dark stormy city nights
create a glowing gray dome
that shakes my blood
and closes my hotelheart

we're too full now
check the library
check the archives
under greatest hits

but you won't find anything
even relatively speaking

you won't find anything
well maybe relatively speaking

and calmbright days will
hand me full jars of mom's jam
will shake me still, tranquil

i can't but willingly
reach my hand out
a skid mark
never really striding
but always striving

it's the only way


the red sweater that blinds and bends,
whether upon your shoulders or empty chair,
heralds a new(!)new(!)new(!)NEW(?) day
that flickers, dawning but just yawning

i'd like to write you poems
earthquakes shaking, uprooting
forming new ranges where
our peaks compete for clouds

i'd like to write you poems
that break all the mirrors
rip all the right wires out
let you smile/let me be me

i'd like to write you poems
simple, earnest words
that lay your smile upon mine
summoning oracles to the truth

i'd like to write you poems
cause your pen to turn and say,
"hey, hey come join my story
no, no - wouldn't have it any other way!"

no i wouldn't have it any other way.

no i wouldn't have it any other way.


those longlong days formed of a newly known absence,
whether a trembling eternity or confident, placid moment
turn on the faucet, fill my abscess heart, rawpink, tense
in nearlynotime. your red sweater sits empty and cold.

my apologies wreak and reek
psychohavoc and locker room sock puss:
beunmovablepossiblypatronizingpatrons maybe

i, i, i

My photo
"Seeing that before long I must confront humanity with the most difficult demand ever made of it, it seems indispensable to me to say who I am. Really, one should know it, for I have not left myself "without testimony." But the disproportion between the greatness of my task and the smallness of my contemporaries has found expression in the fact that one has neither heard nor even seen me. I live on my own credit; is it perhaps a mere prejudice that I live? ... I need only to speak with one of the "educated" who come to the Upper Engadine for the summer, and I am convinced that I do not live ... Under these circumstances I have a duty against which my habits, even more the pride of my instincts, revolt at bottom, namely, to say: Hear me! For I am such and such a person. Above all, do not mistake me for someone else!" - Nietzsche, Ecce Homo