"in the poetry of the poet and in the thinking of the thinker, there is always so much worldspace to share that each and every thing - a tree, a mountain, a house, the call of a bird - completely loses its indifference and familiarity." - martin heidegger
on earth, the possibility for life as we know it, and the probability that we should know life differently
20100930 12:07 p.m.
The world's closing in
far and wide in wraith diners
red with bash,
hiding behind redwood reeds
a baroque flowerbed
raw chafing rivers bulging,
tense filled canoes.
It is the beginning of the end of it all,
in the beginning to the beginning of it all,
and can we stop?
stop> as blackbirds descend from sky>look up>tilt left shoulder thirty degrees>look up, swat blackbirdoff neck's posterior triangle>wipe your neck>blackish maroon>syrup finger to finger stick > kneel and swat,
< terribly late for something
The world's closing in
far and wide in wraith diners
red with bash,
hiding behind redwood reeds
a baroque flowerbed
raw chafing rivers bulging,
tense filled canoes.
It is the beginning of the end of it all,
in the beginning to the beginning of it all,
and can we stop?
stop> as blackbirds descend from sky>look up>tilt left shoulder thirty degrees>look up, swat blackbirdoff neck's posterior triangle>wipe your neck>blackish maroon>syrup finger to finger stick > kneel and swat,
< terribly late for something
. . . i have to . . . like,
. . . i can't . . .
. . . i don't know how to . . .
how to . . .
sincerely, knowingly, want to
experience someone liking me
more than i like them
. . . anyone
jus'eed fo dollahs
g'some food
my'daughters n me
jus'eed fo dollahs
lil foo'fo'daye
hey man!
can you spare some change?
i hear your pocket jingling
my guys got that epidemic H
round there and
round there and
round there and
'only ten'ollars'n'seveny cens shote
\you gotta cleaneedle?
I don't say anything, really, in our 'normal understanding' of 'say' or 'anything.'
I speak to you
not in request
not in demand
but in lieu
but in lieu of.
I speak choice
but under the monolithic sticky banner
one choice looms:
and report to me.
I'll see you on the 15th.
I'll see you on the 30th.
I'll see you on Wednesday.
I'll see you at the new Gap @ The Sphinx.
not in request
not in demand
but in lieu
but in lieu of.
I speak choice
but under the monolithic sticky banner
one choice looms:
and report to me.
I'll see you on the 15th.
I'll see you on the 30th.
I'll see you on Wednesday.
I'll see you at the new Gap @ The Sphinx.
We need to bomb them.
Their land's
'n'strategic advantage.
In seventy-two hours
operation bloody hymened crescent
shall rush forth over whosevers banks
so choose to lie against our jagged tide.
I am my neighbor
I am my sister
I am my mother
I am my fourth boyfriend
I am my sixth grade
I am a goddess
I am a slut
I am a liar
I am
I am a cunt
I am a goddess
I am an empath
I create and destroy,
but I am your eyes
It's easier down
. . . it goes down easier
'for real',
im not gonna do that.
im not gonna
i wont
pick at those apples
under that sky.
i wont ever.
the world seems waning again,
but it's morning - again
see the smiling girl stand
in the city's penumbra.
left arm in a sling,
blood underlined eyes
like linebackers of yore.
three-pointed towards . . .
run to her as she runs to you.
in the city's penumbra.
left arm in a sling,
blood underlined eyes
like linebackers of yore.
three-pointed towards . . .
run to her as she runs to you.
DUMP2/philosophy for children
20101119 8:05 p.m.
[human being] places their finger upon a vein of [human being ]'s thumb/index finger region and traces the tributary to the nearest neighborhood tributary vein
[human being] places their finger upon a vein of [human being]'s thumb/index finger region and traces the tributary to the nearest neighborhood tributary vein
[human being] places their finger upon a vein of [human being]'s thumb/index finger region and traces the tributary to the nearest neighborhood tributary vein
[human being] places their finger upon a vein of [human being ]'s thumb/index finger region and traces the tributary to the nearest neighborhood tributary vein
[human being] places their finger upon a vein of [human being]'s thumb/index finger region and traces the tributary to the nearest neighborhood tributary vein
[human being] places their finger upon a vein of [human being]'s thumb/index finger region and traces the tributary to the nearest neighborhood tributary vein
DUMP 1/half-birth (under a microscope); an autonomous citizen of earth (from a blimp)
20101111 3:30 p.m.
what are you doing tonight?
almost certainly saving my life.
what does that mean?
i will certainly save my life tonight.
what are you doing tonight?
almost certainly saving my life.
what does that mean?
i will certainly save my life tonight.
the chicago parking meter situation: a clean clean mayoral bottom asits
Initially, much of the proceeds from the meter deal were targeted to benefit Chicago over the long term - in capital infrastructure projects, rainy day funds and so forth. Shortly after the deal was signed, however, Daley found himself with an unexpected $400 million shortfall, and - not wanting to raise taxes or cut services in a recession - filled the budget hole with parking meter money. Whenever the capitalization of an asset occurs, citizens should be wary if city hall devotes proceeds to filling operating deficits. After all, the structural deficits do not vanish, but the ability to monetize the asset again does.
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- steven
- "Seeing that before long I must confront humanity with the most difficult demand ever made of it, it seems indispensable to me to say who I am. Really, one should know it, for I have not left myself "without testimony." But the disproportion between the greatness of my task and the smallness of my contemporaries has found expression in the fact that one has neither heard nor even seen me. I live on my own credit; is it perhaps a mere prejudice that I live? ... I need only to speak with one of the "educated" who come to the Upper Engadine for the summer, and I am convinced that I do not live ... Under these circumstances I have a duty against which my habits, even more the pride of my instincts, revolt at bottom, namely, to say: Hear me! For I am such and such a person. Above all, do not mistake me for someone else!" - Nietzsche, Ecce Homo