Lacy always wrap.
Drumming ear tolls, cushions
caging bleu ribrib ache -
nestling legs general paw,
Always ox(ish) head yolks
allway liftings blankets shirts comforters
& nesting, angling Lacy Way This Way
& That (Way), so ---
Lacy building cabins in woods, paintings imprisoned ceiling mural heavens, wombs
Lacy Way away from here: Mom's belly weaver dreamings&time-share vacas
nexto Jackie Boy couching hard wombs, all so padding winter fat
& the pre-hibernative like.
"in the poetry of the poet and in the thinking of the thinker, there is always so much worldspace to share that each and every thing - a tree, a mountain, a house, the call of a bird - completely loses its indifference and familiarity." - martin heidegger
. . . heels click
on the pavement above
outside my bedroom window
&trance dream cadence
&heart beat trigger -
So, no.
I don't think so.
I are
flatters & vain, Truth: but
why skin descends, rocking
unporcelain bleeding atoms, tiding
messengers tightroping tautiest floss held b'tween
the god's big toe & fat northern lip
we can never know.
on the pavement above
outside my bedroom window
&trance dream cadence
&heart beat trigger -
So, no.
I don't think so.
I are
flatters & vain, Truth: but
why skin descends, rocking
unporcelain bleeding atoms, tiding
messengers tightroping tautiest floss held b'tween
the god's big toe & fat northern lip
we can never know.
You In Hymnal (Written By Somebody Else As Me); Or, Secondhand Mythmaking 330: Adoption and Rearing
I hear her eyes
fall on the color spectrum Some
Where between
Chartreuse and Infrared and
the sight of them can
cause a man to delve in the psy-
che of The Woodland People that once
The Anti-Mountains of The Great Plains.
These builders of civilization conquered
the internal uprising against
The Dying of Light and those
eyes reminded a modern man of those
times past when
were seduced by the Native
American version of
and to gaze upon the iris caused
one to cry and recall a fetus
inside the womb of Sacajawea
and the celebration of life and afterbirth that
flowed into The Mighty Mississippi
Ohh So Many years ago.
fall on the color spectrum Some
Where between
Chartreuse and Infrared and
the sight of them can
cause a man to delve in the psy-
che of The Woodland People that once
The Anti-Mountains of The Great Plains.
These builders of civilization conquered
the internal uprising against
The Dying of Light and those
eyes reminded a modern man of those
times past when
were seduced by the Native
American version of
and to gaze upon the iris caused
one to cry and recall a fetus
inside the womb of Sacajawea
and the celebration of life and afterbirth that
flowed into The Mighty Mississippi
Ohh So Many years ago.
feet patter & pit,
cold linoleum
bipedals A/C
flowing brains well
healthful & flourish
Taking steps outside your bed;
foreign funky
webbed,con,tin,u,a,tion, of cross-
ed state & country lines
just decimated, re-
drawn blue skyed;Art needs
some thing to
art against arou-
hands curl inter
locked fingers
entwine unlocked oxygen;
Wily lived in the
forest for years
cold linoleum
bipedals A/C
flowing brains well
healthful & flourish
Taking steps outside your bed;
foreign funky
webbed,con,tin,u,a,tion, of cross-
ed state & country lines
just decimated, re-
drawn blue skyed;Art needs
some thing to
art against arou-
hands curl inter
locked fingers
entwine unlocked oxygen;
Wily lived in the
forest for years
Quotid Jones Met Ravish Rupture-Smith
s' t
ate st' 's
ong ' ' eve r'
m a de ?
l o
ve a
s in-
semination bir th ,
wa t er -
ing in - choate
breath fin ger tip
Cha rle ston C
hew);Death put off.
s' t
ate st' 's
ong ' ' eve r'
m a de ?
l o
ve a
s in-
semination bir th ,
wa t er -
ing in - choate
breath fin ger tip
Cha rle ston C
hew);Death put off.
Excerpt from a Story I'll Never Write (Only Live) (III)
Thank you
(lowers jaw,
even with her own,
lips plant)
even with her own,
lips plant)
for being patient
with me.
taut, drill boring core
mind soul heart)
taut, drill boring core
mind soul heart)
I think you're worth it.
GIF Dreams (Sidney's Ma)
I am surprise by every breath released
sucked in caught back up taken in
up and away: the white chalk splashed
explodes euphoric as you GIF me
to sleep, fair unfoul. I am surprise by inauctionable
smiles rowing under the pier to look for sea-ridden lost and found
refusals to dock - out of what? acceptance? fe-
ar? Hoped. I am surprise with every year knows
known lives
what's intestinely
'tween eternal and breath
squealing triggerdly
galaxy bashed out of soil
standing at least six feet tall
shadowlessly, As-Is True.
(In Fulfillment Of The Scriptures)
sucked in caught back up taken in
up and away: the white chalk splashed
explodes euphoric as you GIF me
to sleep, fair unfoul. I am surprise by inauctionable
smiles rowing under the pier to look for sea-ridden lost and found
refusals to dock - out of what? acceptance? fe-
ar? Hoped. I am surprise with every year knows
known lives
what's intestinely
'tween eternal and breath
squealing triggerdly
galaxy bashed out of soil
standing at least six feet tall
shadowlessly, As-Is True.
(In Fulfillment Of The Scriptures)
un jeune albatros trouve le courage et l'amour de propager ses ailes (merci, charles et samantha)
But man oh man, I feel like you've gone and put more kindling atop heart's
glowing diasapora vast embers, stoking fire into matching shadows for once. Warm
tears streamed down my face calmly draining off chin, depositing 'neath t-shirt
tears streamed down my face calmly draining off chin, depositing 'neath t-shirt
covered collarbone filling clavicle's basin, placidly accumulating on top lip's
pooled salty exultations from river into lake into ocean undammed falling
gentle deafened onto tongue igniting the revelation of connection of feeling
like I know someone or something a little more, that we are one cloud closer to one
another than we thought possible, and, sometimes, can hear each other plainly
like I know someone or something a little more, that we are one cloud closer to one
another than we thought possible, and, sometimes, can hear each other plainly
speak in silent meditative resting our beat for beat rise and fall tasting all of tears'
despair and howling laughter, all while seeing in technicolor, too.
Excerpt from a Story I'll Never Write (I)
"The Alamo is a nice time and place I hear. My brother demo'd a time-share out and back there. Said it was a real trip. A good fucking sim. He even got to keep the coonskin."
Giants (All)
Trails leading away from when we knew
people almost. We were giants all blood
and flesh and trust.
I never wanted to wander through
too many hallways until I trudged
into too much need and must
turned over
and clicked and clicked and clicked
and clicked and clicked and clicked
and roared
the engine wild steered off gravel
the hood smashed open the throw
pillow down feathers scattered
only everywhere.
I see you everywhere in the stars.
Trust and flesh and blood giants
all we were people we knew from trails
all we were people we knew from trails
leading away and here, too.
everything else is in the air
te ll
m e
wh at
y o u
kn o w
i ' m
go i ng
t o
d i e
every thing
el se
i s
i n
t h e
everything else is in the air
m e
wh at
y o u
kn o w
i ' m
go i ng
t o
d i e
every thing
el se
i s
i n
t h e
everything else is in the air
ground hog daydream (wetting the bed)
(most recently, thirteen seconds ago),
i feel compelled to delete, wipe completely clean this blog's 199 published posts and 416 drafts
(but this seems like suicide)
(most recently, seven seconds ago)
i frantic and churn pre-apocalyptic dread into drained pitch-white, clenched-grip scrawling transcriptions
(and this feels like exiting a womb only to look over my shoulder)
i checked google mail ten times and
i checked facebook six times in
the forty-seven minutes be-
tween start and complete of the
fore(and on)going poem.
i also learned the tyrannosaurus
rex jaw size (up to four feet), the
reason honeybees die when they sting (pride),
how the seasons change on neptune (every
forty years), the truth about the breast orgasm (it's true
for some breasts), and rosario dawson's height (5'8")
and upcoming releases (too few).
a ground hog day would be a miracle
a ground hog day would be a miracle
where do you go when you silent past?
where do you go when you silent past?
my shoes are always untied and track mud
on the rug. i shuffle loudly, too.
i am frigid when you are scalding.i freeze while you scald.
i am dreaming while are needing.i dream while you need.
i am needing while you are blanking.i need as you blank.
i am scalding while you are frigid. i scald as you freeze.
dollop -fetch
dollop -fetch
dollop -no. stop.
Existential Option Trading (The Importance of Being Ironic)
(Un)fortunately you (I) can('t) choose who (what) you (I) dream (fear).
I want to use 'I' powerfully
antiglacially, snap-just-like-that
quick and in stride.
I can't find an antonym for 'choose'.
Il n'y a pas de hors-choix.
(Un)fortunately you (I) can('t) choose who (what) you (I) dream (fear).
I want to use 'I' powerfully
antiglacially, snap-just-like-that
quick and in stride.
I can't find an antonym for 'choose'.
Il n'y a pas de hors-choix.
Dreaming we've walked grocery
store aisles stalking
perfect cereal. Then: Which aisle
for toothbrushes? And does soy
milk's cream perfectly
complement Lucky Charm's
marshmallow? The man pointed but
didn't know what your smile telegraphed
into the pillow later that morning right before I picked
Total out of sky and into bowl.
The secret isn't a secret un-
til after midnight's pumpkin hour
when my etched back sits
setting into the range your nails laid,
forcing unknown unknowns' hand
delivering the knowledge of questions.
I have stood in my bathroom under
examining bright light, back toward
the mirror, neck craned twisted avenging
loss through understanding
the intent of your topology. How
can we move peak-to-peak - and did
you pack the leather bomber?
store aisles stalking
perfect cereal. Then: Which aisle
for toothbrushes? And does soy
milk's cream perfectly
complement Lucky Charm's
marshmallow? The man pointed but
didn't know what your smile telegraphed
into the pillow later that morning right before I picked
Total out of sky and into bowl.
The secret isn't a secret un-
til after midnight's pumpkin hour
when my etched back sits
setting into the range your nails laid,
forcing unknown unknowns' hand
delivering the knowledge of questions.
I have stood in my bathroom under
examining bright light, back toward
the mirror, neck craned twisted avenging
loss through understanding
the intent of your topology. How
can we move peak-to-peak - and did
you pack the leather bomber?
por supuesto, la puta vida
dams don't have honest divinity.
The flood always comes.
The gods hear not, think
not and only uncunningly will
[ . . . . ]
undead, too: the
pantheon will survive us all.
The flood always comes.
The gods hear not, think
not and only uncunningly will
[ . . . . ]
undead, too: the
pantheon will survive us all.
(Godliness next to
+ One Hundred Two Days, Twelve Hours, Forty-Five Minutes, Six Seconds
" . . . "
"I said that, yeah."
[ . . . . ]
"I do live
even tri=
=umphant, pearly dreams
[ . . . ]
forest groves, the city, the sidewalk,
sideways glances, cracks, slivers, crevices, mud brown,
pitch black, chaste white, hand-
conducted words, conjured memories, maps, unrequited love,
shrill hissing, requited love, hot pissing, heroes
furrowing into cowards, cowards sweating into heroes, communication
chasms, aladdin, thom yorke, mozart, simba and nala, apocalyptic
v. gradual change, amor fati, foraging, rummaging,
looking underneath, satchels,
orange peels,
red rover,
the river styx,
conflict->tension->rupture-> flux->transcendence,
leap frog, dirty clothes, naked sky, spackled idols, sticky buds
sideways glances, cracks, slivers, crevices, mud brown,
pitch black, chaste white, hand-
conducted words, conjured memories, maps, unrequited love,
shrill hissing, requited love, hot pissing, heroes
furrowing into cowards, cowards sweating into heroes, communication
chasms, aladdin, thom yorke, mozart, simba and nala, apocalyptic
v. gradual change, amor fati, foraging, rummaging,
looking underneath, satchels,
orange peels,
red rover,
the river styx,
leap frog, dirty clothes, naked sky, spackled idols, sticky buds
[old] 2012.05.30
there's more in the shed
jus ask the girl at the counter
bring her empty cartridge box
she'll pull it from back
floppy disk
whatever you want
just make it dusty
Elegy for 'Warm'
I cherish every
word you give
me though
you give me not but a few, and
it's not the void,
the sparse, the lacking, the...
that brings me back and back under
tornadoed, pinched-off knees
weak through to plasm tenuous as
you shyly try to outcheshire the missing-out-
on-you-world but as a fool's fool I am unfoolable.
I've downloaded
the automatic refresher, and
purchased a yottabyte
hard drive so I might
divine genesis, gestation, birth: the
bell ringing your heart's hand-
maidens, and at what hour, what
angle of sunlight, I can see through
foreboding uncertainty,
through Beam courage holding
belief's straggling hand giving
us Heart we
just dug: letting the
cat out of your eyelash,
ringing the mys-
tery out of your skin,
airing into being a stranger I
know, whom
you carry in maze
goddesses enw(/t)ombed;
I pray you know-- to
gods divined wholly
in spirit, effigy, tribute, idolatry, through
saccharine lonely-fired castles
--that you might meet you, and we
might smile so big our
waxing, saltypink faces break off in-
to eternal combustion engine bread.
But this is myth:
ROYGBIV to pitch-white;
Lies under flashlight
hurt worse than sunbright
Losingfull loneliness
enlarges the heart in-
to authoritarian delusion.
subsumes every. Heart colors
Heart into blank. Warm does
not feel Cold. (Warm is
word you give
me though
you give me not but a few, and
it's not the void,
the sparse, the lacking, the...
that brings me back and back under
tornadoed, pinched-off knees
weak through to plasm tenuous as
you shyly try to outcheshire the missing-out-
on-you-world but as a fool's fool I am unfoolable.
I've downloaded
the automatic refresher, and
purchased a yottabyte
hard drive so I might
divine genesis, gestation, birth: the
bell ringing your heart's hand-
maidens, and at what hour, what
angle of sunlight, I can see through
foreboding uncertainty,
through Beam courage holding
belief's straggling hand giving
us Heart we
just dug: letting the
cat out of your eyelash,
ringing the mys-
tery out of your skin,
airing into being a stranger I
know, whom
you carry in maze
goddesses enw(/t)ombed;
I pray you know-- to
gods divined wholly
in spirit, effigy, tribute, idolatry, through
saccharine lonely-fired castles
--that you might meet you, and we
might smile so big our
waxing, saltypink faces break off in-
to eternal combustion engine bread.
But this is myth:
ROYGBIV to pitch-white;
Lies under flashlight
hurt worse than sunbright
Losingfull loneliness
enlarges the heart in-
to authoritarian delusion.
subsumes every. Heart colors
Heart into blank. Warm does
not feel Cold. (Warm is
on smiling (the de- and re-constructive act of honestly taking account of the cheese, the cliche, the tragically trite)
Harsh warm morning light
Smiles are
Creaking new house sounds
Opening patio door
Looking into vast plat;
The creek trickles softly in détente,
cleanly over stoic bedrock agefull.
His cheek's
a bit pocked. Smile peeks
out behind red lips,
life reveling
ribs weary from
exposed to flaccid
pummeling broken
into unevent. But here parting lips
calendar Holiday's arrival.
Smiles are
tributaries rushing through forest,
trenching a new path toward
quenching scorched choking sediment
yearning memory aching to transcend
plats heart's blueprint. Smiles
travel time, rupturing
Smile canvasses
future, bridges presents.
resting heartbeat (an end until another beginning)
and then all of a sudden
the sun shone brilliantly
upon the unfurled green pistil
and anxious pitterpatter
became ambling pit-pat
the sun shone brilliantly
upon the unfurled green pistil
and anxious pitterpatter
became ambling pit-pat
i'm a pathetic parasitic almost sort of poet dining as i do solely on despair or revelation emanating from my own day to day tribulations and epiphanies composing the year to year life arcs i foretell in dreams and then enact and then watch on looped replay with threatening telestrator in hand.
this might be the first time i've ever straight-facedly referred to myself as a poet. which itself is inherently more than just 'some' acclamation from an otherwise increasingly cantankerous never satisfied always pullin out more canvas sort of philosopher life author self.
feels like implicitly bullshit tho. this whole charade now.
'poet', 'poetry, poetic'... these are judgments assigning value, taking 'poetry' as we (me and my group of bureaucrats, credentialed experts and thorough archivists) to not be confined to that niched writing territory of 'not considered short and novelized fiction'. i mean: poetry seems less a discipline and more of an abstract value not limited to written words applying to or eschewing convention. a spirit an aesthetic. 'a poetic gait' 'your timbre is poetry' ... as well as homer and whitman and rilke and dylan and hendrix and others more conventionally called 'poets'. i don't pretend this to be revolutionary to the aesthetics field or a meaningful contribution to contemporary or eternal philosophy of art conversations. the declaration is important to me.
this is all to say that i may be a parasitic poet but it's not pathetic.
this might be the first time i've ever straight-facedly referred to myself as a poet. which itself is inherently more than just 'some' acclamation from an otherwise increasingly cantankerous never satisfied always pullin out more canvas sort of philosopher life author self.
feels like implicitly bullshit tho. this whole charade now.
'poet', 'poetry, poetic'... these are judgments assigning value, taking 'poetry' as we (me and my group of bureaucrats, credentialed experts and thorough archivists) to not be confined to that niched writing territory of 'not considered short and novelized fiction'. i mean: poetry seems less a discipline and more of an abstract value not limited to written words applying to or eschewing convention. a spirit an aesthetic. 'a poetic gait' 'your timbre is poetry' ... as well as homer and whitman and rilke and dylan and hendrix and others more conventionally called 'poets'. i don't pretend this to be revolutionary to the aesthetics field or a meaningful contribution to contemporary or eternal philosophy of art conversations. the declaration is important to me.
this is all to say that i may be a parasitic poet but it's not pathetic.
unedited (or, run-on) (or, fuck 'or': 'and' 2012, baby!)
loving is the only thing i can do. everything else every other action is overflow outgrowth from loving or trying to love.
or that loving when i should've been liking lest i break some code some coolness line in the sand because there is nothing worse than looking up and suddenly realizing you're on a perch where after 0-CRYSTALLIZED you now are of the clear-headed sober minded opinion that (shhhh) you now just-this-moment like someone less than they like you.
should've been shouldve been shouldve been shouldve been...
who says?
the reckoners in the back working the super computer sharpening the algorithm to the meaning of life. you should see their faces light up as another story is built on some tower in a massive ideological complex. or when they repaint the veneer of a much venerated now statued high-rise principle after leading the way to victory in campaign after campaign.
love is not just for fate or for the will or for the leaping heart or for the analytical brain or for the stepping foot or contemplating mind. love is acceptance of the necessary. love is both a base jump and a succumbing lying down smiling. love is not the sun or the moon or the sky or the ground or the roots. lovingly much more so than a mere toleration but with joy towards the sun the moon the sky the ground the roots the passing glance the lingering hug goodbye the awkward kiss. love is adoration for acknowledging absorbing enacting the imperative of Here and Now away from the narcotic release of heavenly past and future. love is abiding but never obligatory. love is a constantly presented choice. love is the originary question the question of questions. every other question derives from the basic impulse to love or to hate. choose love as the man said to choose the abyss.
!this message has been jointly funded by the Coalition to Moderate Deification and the Campaign to Elect 'love'* as the Overt Acting Main Guiding Principle Influencing the Self!
^please stop capitalizing the preceding four words and capitalization-as-convention-in-general. it's pretentious, aloof, and diluting. this is a challenge to reinject words with meaning by really constructing, actively deciding what is proper to 'proper'.
*please email the author for a pdf of love's dissertation and video of his defense against legendary antagonist 'pragmatism'
or that loving when i should've been liking lest i break some code some coolness line in the sand because there is nothing worse than looking up and suddenly realizing you're on a perch where after 0-CRYSTALLIZED you now are of the clear-headed sober minded opinion that (shhhh) you now just-this-moment like someone less than they like you.
should've been shouldve been shouldve been shouldve been...
who says?
the reckoners in the back working the super computer sharpening the algorithm to the meaning of life. you should see their faces light up as another story is built on some tower in a massive ideological complex. or when they repaint the veneer of a much venerated now statued high-rise principle after leading the way to victory in campaign after campaign.
love is not just for fate or for the will or for the leaping heart or for the analytical brain or for the stepping foot or contemplating mind. love is acceptance of the necessary. love is both a base jump and a succumbing lying down smiling. love is not the sun or the moon or the sky or the ground or the roots. lovingly much more so than a mere toleration but with joy towards the sun the moon the sky the ground the roots the passing glance the lingering hug goodbye the awkward kiss. love is adoration for acknowledging absorbing enacting the imperative of Here and Now away from the narcotic release of heavenly past and future. love is abiding but never obligatory. love is a constantly presented choice. love is the originary question the question of questions. every other question derives from the basic impulse to love or to hate. choose love as the man said to choose the abyss.
!this message has been jointly funded by the Coalition to Moderate Deification and the Campaign to Elect 'love'* as the Overt Acting Main Guiding Principle Influencing the Self!
^please stop capitalizing the preceding four words and capitalization-as-convention-in-general. it's pretentious, aloof, and diluting. this is a challenge to reinject words with meaning by really constructing, actively deciding what is proper to 'proper'.
*please email the author for a pdf of love's dissertation and video of his defense against legendary antagonist 'pragmatism'
h o
h o
super symmetry me unseen
a Form
jutting 5d
out from body
as shadow
as path
as massive looming
destiny's narrated coincidence
harboring Dear Leaders
knitting A Pattern to Pattern
putting moment on a milk carton:
put down the telestrator
clear the room of experts
clear the room of archivists
cross your heart
and hope to die
a Form
jutting 5d
out from body
as shadow
as path
as massive looming
destiny's narrated coincidence
harboring Dear Leaders
knitting A Pattern to Pattern
putting moment on a milk carton:
put down the telestrator
clear the room of experts
clear the room of archivists
cross your heart
and hope to die
immoderate thought's a bacteria
vice is only a towel away
stay in the water:
constant pruning
it's the only place to become
overwrought, panicking, schematizing
time-traveling, oscillating, vacillating
just let the body see
super symmetry me
under the raffia palm tree
History is the way
life ambles
History is life's
Absolute Cadence
isolated by the top place finisher
told by the gold medal winner
hanging on Hillary's Step
jutting jaggedly
in then out
climbing the sky
dropping into pits
we are homeless
pursuing History
and we are homeless
pining grey hymns
pursuing History
and we are homeless choosing
the bank we came in on
or the bank we'll leave for
over the flowing river enacting
place your forehead on my forehead
b ack n forth
b ack n forth
b ack n forth
let's xerox our brains
lobe on lobe
let's a y
h r s n
c t apses
under C R O W N I NG S K Y
wrap fingers around t...r..e m b l i n g growth cone
firing axonal flares into aethēr
firing axonal flares into aethēr
squeeze out coDicarius vertebrae
through MYelin sheath
buRsting into folia
and into dendritic spine
looking for another den DRItic
spine lookingforanother
growth cone lookin for
another growth cone
you neural cartographer you
neural cartographer you neural cartographer
you neural cartographer you
then we'll trace a path
and climb thalamic ridge:
through MYelin sheath
buRsting into folia
and into dendritic spine
looking for another den DRItic
spine lookingforanother
growth cone lookin for
another growth cone
you neural cartographer you
neural cartographer you neural cartographer
you neural cartographer you
then we'll trace a path
and climb thalamic ridge:
you be hillary,
ill be tenzing;
no, wait, wait:
you're better with ropes;
you be tenzing,
ill be hillary!
cuz i wanna live how
your pupils
dilate at apex;
your pupils
dilate at apex;
i want to know the path
blood courses
winding side roads round rush hour
leading to your pop's cabin
i want to
ri de you r
you place
your forehead on my forehead
i want 10,000 double-sided copies
88 gigapixels sharp
i want a ten-eon G IF
to hang in the nursing home
to laminate into a placemat
to hang in the nursing home
to laminate into a placemat
for when narratives flicker
i want my last man in the cave to push the boulder ou T and screa M your naMe
into the echoes releaseD
in eternity's big bang:
reach i]]]]]n
r{[(e)]}{[(e)]}{[(e)]}{[(e)]}ach iN ^five
reach i]]]]]n
cup yOUr hands ^six
cup yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr han]]ds
cup yOUr hands and
drink ^four
drink my spinal fluid
drink my spinal fl[[U]]id
drink my spinal fluid
from your palms
drink my spinal fluid
from your palms
drink mY spinal fluid
from th[[[[e tap
drink mY spinal fluid
from choroid plexus through S6
drink my spInal fluid
and i will drInk yours
drink my spInal fluid
and i will drInk yours
sit on the seat'o my soul
and i'll sit on yours
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i, i, i

- steven
- "Seeing that before long I must confront humanity with the most difficult demand ever made of it, it seems indispensable to me to say who I am. Really, one should know it, for I have not left myself "without testimony." But the disproportion between the greatness of my task and the smallness of my contemporaries has found expression in the fact that one has neither heard nor even seen me. I live on my own credit; is it perhaps a mere prejudice that I live? ... I need only to speak with one of the "educated" who come to the Upper Engadine for the summer, and I am convinced that I do not live ... Under these circumstances I have a duty against which my habits, even more the pride of my instincts, revolt at bottom, namely, to say: Hear me! For I am such and such a person. Above all, do not mistake me for someone else!" - Nietzsche, Ecce Homo