Want vs. Sight

Sometimes, something will happen,
and Thinking says,
“This is changing Me into More Me.”

I am becoming Me!
Discovery is creation!
O, warm bloody and flourished life,
I adore thee!
The concrete beneath is a trampoline!

Then, a broken necked raven lost
& crashed illmellifluous
jars the view.

Can’t. So goddamn much can’t
the CDC came round
to make sure I don’t spread.
Pesticide. Vaccine. Antidote! I wanna be
fucking fertilizer! I wanna be

Inertia sears into immutability.
The doctors say nothing can touch me.
Need. Want. So desperately for anything to touch and just stay.
But mine eyes have seen
the gory of the bowing of the lords:
the smallest meaningfuls send all
sailors vomiting to the rails,
or worse, in their own stupor, so diligently remiss
are we to be touched in anyway that is not implicitly escaping touch.

I can’t want to see what Hamlet couldn’t unsee
in Yorick’s unflinching eyes, in his father’s putrescent shadow,
 acrid, stark dialectics
& briny B/W fetishes,
pickling vice to virtue&back,
so I can’t unsee this quintessence of dust
blotting out the moon.

Da Capo...

 My stomach is a knot pit—
I love you.
These twenty-four hours
I haven’t stopped thinking about you.
I’m terrified of you.
Everybody in my life reminds me how
unhappy I was with you.

Stomach overboard, anvil
ruptures water rushing
toward sea floor;
my lining is in tow,
plummeting cheeks howling in the wind
pull lips back to gritted teeth—

amor fati


amor fati

amor fati


amor fati

amor fati

amor fati

amor fati

amor fati

amor fati




ROYGBIV, where art thou bloomings?

Detach and morose, I see your B/W stick carvings, feel them in the shin, peg-legged, futilely stabbing into sand like Poppy in the dementia ward grabbing at his fork, like the pen slipping through Mom’s fingers. And I knew she’d be gone soon. Death, please leave me alone for a minute. I’ve lost my touch, and color is tactile. I can’t enjoy anything anymore except pantomimes at playtime. I can’t look you in the eyes aside from conversation; my step wavers, halts, errs to the side. I only want to talk to the woman I can’t. I need her to tell me it’s all going to be all right. It takes hindsight’s slow burn to show us the ashes of our fallen idols. The blood of the gods flows the same in us as for Thucydides, Pericles, Sappho. Trite loses the blunt edge in the personal.

The gloom truck swells and ballooned just as the average American weight extends second-to-second, guts distended under slavering slackjowled & stripely starred worship. But, really, no. Nothing of the sort. Just another pillow, an anasthetized stitch in our collective battle to become singularly forgetful, treating our impulse instinct to be excellent, to work in a particular sort of borderline divine-endeavoring manner as a machine we collectively discover, create, unveil. Amurrrica, no longer a slur. You went through the opine disposal. Rendered inert, spineless. Screamed patriotically now. Fist high. Solo cup atilt. Pabst falling quietly on the sidewalk, an accidental eulogy. Culture as wood chipper, reforming criticism into a temple. Inadvertent is all that is manageable. Trying is too much pressure. I need this moment just as I don’t want it. I accept the quick snap. Memory’s hulking defense looms over the line -- I’m a known one play wonder; there is no surprise. There probably never was. Reputation travels in whispers when we’re not there, and I’m often here, rarely there.

But we roofie down in early July, celebrating what except the simple ability to celebrate contentlessly. We may have to be shoe horned out of this burrowing, friendly malaise. We are converging on a singularity: the merger of man and entertainment, the regression of something back into nothing, the annihilation of the human project, the murder of the long-standing human narrative imagining, assuming ourselves to be a lack of being in order that we might become unbored, meaningful, happy, becoming?

Fealty (Sick)

I’m sorry, David. The tests are in. We’ve done all the bloodwork. Studied, collected, microscoped, analyzed, cultured every last specimen we could jar & hold.  We’ve telestratored an 80-inch LED, consulted with the very best: face-to-face, over the phone, text, Skype, Gchat, Facebook wall posts and private messages. You can click through the two thousand, nine hundred fifty-seven page Power Point presentation conversation. We’ve seen it all.

David, your cancer is no longer in remission.

The cellular infantry, so remarkably steadfast & intent in previous years, smelled fraud, turned tail & ran. The ribbon tying, binding, hoping to weld your heart together out of sheer gall is failing. Your blood is bloated sludge. Your atrophied lungs ripple tenderly, shaking the dust around with every inhale, exhaling impotent & inert cobweb geysers up into trachea, rendering every breath a chore, a tax on existence–itself initially unwilled, shot out into the world. Now, fumbling. Now chosen implicitly, only out of habit. Resented. Rueful. Enslaved. Decision making relegated to droning Xeroxes. To bend a micrometer, your knees crackle, snap & pop like a roaring summer fire cackles. And burns a few hairs more.

Weary. Your feet. Your poor feet. The plight of pawns, yes. The hallowed horse’s hoof. Calloused malignants. The inadequate footwear you so often chose for mountain life–oh! The boots you never wore in winter.  Bubbled over blisters. Eternally vacant nail beds. Crusted over scars eternally wincing. The coral seabeds you insisted on dragging soles across. Her’s too. She wasn’t accustomed to such sadomasochism.

Lot of good any of this did. Not paying attention to footwear. Or jackets & pants. The weeping the skin does. You know.


No. It’s no surprise this cancer won’t even be the thing to kill you. You’re a glutton. And gluttons have endurance. Fail safes to back-ups to rendezvous’ known to fall through. Disease has returned. Snow is falling, but not softly like the short halcyon winters of youth, lasting an afternoon til after finishing word problems, releasing out into
sun & fresh wind, an unfurled kite asserting a throne; Simba returned to Pride Rock & all that. Everywhere, the sky is filled with descending, indiscriminating grand pianos. Brusque, cold bureaucrats signing off on your forthcoming death.

David, it’s spread to your brain, blood, nodes, bones & into the deepest, most originary, truly fertile & strawberry caves in the heart.

Your cancer has returned. You have stage four, advanced, recurrent & metastatic cowardice. Rupture out. Embrace flux or embrace nihilism. Transcend. Or falter & wilt, through & through, never free enough to keel over, dump the flooding water & accept the necessary casualties of friendly but failed ideas.

Repledge fealty. Use your feet. Not your lips.


Love is not just
for fate, or for the will, or for the 
leaping heart, or for the 
analytical brain, or for the 
stepping foot, or for the 
contemplating mind.

Love is acceptance of the necessary. Love
is both a base jump and a succumbing lying down smiling.
Love is not the sun, or the moon, or the sky, or the ground, or the roots.

much more so than a mere toleration, but with joy
towards the sun, the moon, the sky, the ground, the roots,
the passing glance, the lingering hug goodbye, the awkward kiss.

Love is adoration for
acknowledging, absorbing, enacting the imperative
Here and Now, away from heavenly past and future’s narcotic release.
Love is abiding but never obligatory. Love is a constantly presented choice.
Love is the originary question, the question of questions. 
Every other question derives from the basic impulse to love or to hate.

Choose love as the man said to choose the abyss.

i, i, i

My photo
"Seeing that before long I must confront humanity with the most difficult demand ever made of it, it seems indispensable to me to say who I am. Really, one should know it, for I have not left myself "without testimony." But the disproportion between the greatness of my task and the smallness of my contemporaries has found expression in the fact that one has neither heard nor even seen me. I live on my own credit; is it perhaps a mere prejudice that I live? ... I need only to speak with one of the "educated" who come to the Upper Engadine for the summer, and I am convinced that I do not live ... Under these circumstances I have a duty against which my habits, even more the pride of my instincts, revolt at bottom, namely, to say: Hear me! For I am such and such a person. Above all, do not mistake me for someone else!" - Nietzsche, Ecce Homo