use available/appropriate mediums to discuss/report/speculate/analyze the experience and meaning of being human, contemporaneously, historically, and eternally
bridge ideological gaps, bringing both disparate points of view and communities together. the latter composed of people who share philosophy but for a variety of possible reasons have been isolated. common reasons include cultural marginalization and characteristics essential to the philosophy which don't commonly/naturally precipitate, or suppose/contemplate organization
engender more cohesive human community, focus on unification
play role of The Human Lobby
*there will be, of course, more specific ways to characterize the overall philosophy (which is to say the purpose), but, for now it remains very much amorphous, awaiting not only the particular ideas of artists-yet-to-be-determined but the push-and-pull resulting from the interaction of the common and disparate philosophies we share. therefore, in the interim, this is all we're willing to identify as far as content, but we most definitely have our contributions to this philosophical scrum.
web-based, no physical product
advantages: lower production cost and wider spectrum of available mediums outside written word and images, that which can be expressed in print
written word:
short-story and novel-length (perhaps serialized) fiction, poetry, journalism, philosophy,hard/soft science and political essays; more "pop" cultural directed essays on topics like music, movies, television; and the intersection of the foregoing
music (#)
moving image (#)s:
short and full-length documentaries, short and full-length movies, serial programming
still images (#):
photographs, paintings (tho this seems to blend with photography since it
would be a photograph of a painting), cartoons and other drawings.
# due to potential physicality, these could be part of an off-shoot project which would basically be an art show: movies, concerts, painting, photographs, etc.
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